Project 1 Representing Nature – The Habitat Info Grahic Pop Up Poster 20% Group Work + 10% Individual (out of the 100% overall marks) Site Visit: 11th – 13th April 2014 at D’ark Training & Resort, Janda Baik Presentation and Submission Date: 23nd May 2014
The idea of this project is for the students to experience and appreciate nature. The site visit will allow the students to be part of nature to observe and collect information. Students will have to represent their findings and information as an info graphic pop up poster and their experience through a simple documentary video. This project will not just benefit the students in this class, but it will spark awareness and inspiration to others around the world once they share it on YouTube and on their online TGC Portfolio.
Objectives of Project
The objectives of this project; 1. To create awareness of the elements of the natural and built environment 2. To expose the elements of the natural and built environment in their basic unit, form and function
Learning Outcomes of this Project
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following: 1. To recognise and identify the different elements of the natural and built environment 2. To describe the different characteristics of the natural and built environment by exploring the basic elements such as natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure
Tasks – Methodology
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following: 1. To recognise and identify the different elements of the natural and built environment 2. To describe the different characteristics of the natural and built environment by exploring the basic elements such as natural topography, landscape, space, building and infrastructure
Tasks – Methodology
The main tasks of this project are to explore, experience, and appreciate the natural habitat during the site visit. In groups students will then have to transfer these experiences and information collected from the site on to the info graphic pop up poster and a 5-7 minute documentary video. Students will need to use their creative thinking skills knowledge to create an original and interactive info graphic exhibition booth and the documentary video. The info graphic exhibition booth will concentrate on the habitat and ecosystem. The Documentary Video should focus on the student’s experience at site, their concise understanding of the habitat and ecosystem and to include an awareness message.
Individually students are required to produce a scrapbook journal of their experiences and information collected at site.
In brief, the main tasks are;
A. Site Visit – Exploring, Experiencing and Appreciating Nature to collect data– Group Work
Individually students are required to produce a scrapbook journal of their experiences and information collected at site.
In brief, the main tasks are;
A. Site Visit – Exploring, Experiencing and Appreciating Nature to collect data– Group Work
B. Documentary Video – Group Work 5%
C. The Info Graphic Pop Up Poster – Group Work 15% D. Individual Scrapbook Journal – Individual Work 10%
A. Site Visit – Experiencing Nature It is compulsory for the students to attend a site visit with their group members as organised by the lecturers. The information of this site visit will be on TIMES. In groups students are required to choose an area that they would like to explore and to document. The site should be about 10mx10m. At the site students are required to explore and collect the following information:
1. Record the things that excite your senses; (useful for the group task and individual component) a. See (what do you see at different times, scales of things, colours, elements, near far etc?) b. Smell (what kind of smell at different time and places or things?) c. Hear (what kind of sounds do you hear or can you make?) d. Feel (how do you feel emotionally, the heat or the wind, fresh air in the morning, the texture of things around you like the tree branch etc) e. Taste (try some fruits, the food provided) NOTE: Take pictures, record video, tabulate the information on a schedule, sketch and take notes.
2. Record the surrounding and activities; (useful for the group task and individual component) a. The journey to the site b. The accommodation and the facilities c. All of the sceneries and environment d. All of the activities NOTE: Take pictures, video record, sketch and take notes.
A. Site Visit – Experiencing Nature It is compulsory for the students to attend a site visit with their group members as organised by the lecturers. The information of this site visit will be on TIMES. In groups students are required to choose an area that they would like to explore and to document. The site should be about 10mx10m. At the site students are required to explore and collect the following information:
1. Record the things that excite your senses; (useful for the group task and individual component) a. See (what do you see at different times, scales of things, colours, elements, near far etc?) b. Smell (what kind of smell at different time and places or things?) c. Hear (what kind of sounds do you hear or can you make?) d. Feel (how do you feel emotionally, the heat or the wind, fresh air in the morning, the texture of things around you like the tree branch etc) e. Taste (try some fruits, the food provided) NOTE: Take pictures, record video, tabulate the information on a schedule, sketch and take notes.
2. Record the surrounding and activities; (useful for the group task and individual component) a. The journey to the site b. The accommodation and the facilities c. All of the sceneries and environment d. All of the activities NOTE: Take pictures, video record, sketch and take notes.
Documentary Video:
ARIEL TV edited by Clement Chen
The Trip
The Group
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